Adjustment measures to a new way of life taken by Colombian and Mexican consumers in response to the arrival of COVID-19.




Covid-19, adjustment behavior, leisure, rational purchasing, optimism


Undoubtedly, any new situation generates emotional, rational, behavioral, physiological, and other adjustments in individuals, sometimes leading to crises in their lives. Therefore, humans always tend to seek balance aimed at eliminating the feeling of uncertainty. With the arrival of COVID-19, humanity as a whole was compelled to implement contingency measures in an effort to regain lost balance.

Based on the above, this research aims to determine what adjustment measures were adopted by Mexican and Colombian consumers as a response to a new way of life, considering that this fact can serve as support for marketing professionals in their strategic planning and as a gateway to new research. This is because the work was carried out early, just two months after the contagion was officially announced, and considering governmental contingency measures such as confinement.


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2023-02-14 — Updated on 2022-12-18


How to Cite

López Celis, D. M., & Peñalosa, M. E. (2022). Adjustment measures to a new way of life taken by Colombian and Mexican consumers in response to the arrival of COVID-19. FACE: Revista De La Facultad De Ciencias Económicas Y Empresariales, 22(4), 19–29. (Original work published February 14, 2023)

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