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Knowledge and learning as success factors in the dynamics of microeconomic unit owners.




Tacit knowledge, Micro Economic Units, Business trajectory, Entrepreneurship


The result of 10 years of research work with 243 cases of Economic Units (EU), dynamic or capitalist and subsistence located in
Tlaxcala, Mexico (Hernández, 2002), has left evidence that contributes to discovering where entrepreneurs in Tlaxcala learn and How is it that the owners of said UEs have acquired knowledge and learning in business informally or tacitly (which have contributed to achieving success (Hernández, 2002). The objective is to identify the business origins of the owner and the possible influence exerted by the place of birth and/or residence in the construction of knowledge and learning, to know if such learning translated into business knowledge with sustainable and dynamic organizational, productive and economic implications or only subsistence in the State of Tlaxcala. The study mixed, based on a semi-structured interview, seeks to rely on the assumptions of the hypothesis of Lundvall and Lorenz (2010), who propose that the place and circumstances where the agents participate are significant for the construction of learning and knowledge that become in the main basis of economic dynamism. Findings are obtained that make the influence of social knowledge on entrepreneurship relevant, above informal education by developing business skills based on tacit knowledge, this despite the fact that successful entrepreneurs with dynamic EU have a high level of schooling, for example. above the survival UE owners. The study suggests that how and where an entrepreneur's learning has occurred does not necessarily condition or limit its transformation into business knowledge with broader organizational, productive and economic implications; However, it is demonstrated that the experience and influence of larger cities are decisive in generating successful and sustainable EUs over time; Also, the need to make formal education more efficient in promoting dynamic entrepreneurship is raised.


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2023-11-28 — Updated on 2023-09-01


How to Cite

Hernández Zavala, E., Larios-Gómez, E., & Gamboa Gochis, A. L. (2023). Knowledge and learning as success factors in the dynamics of microeconomic unit owners. FACE: Revista De La Facultad De Ciencias Económicas Y Empresariales, 23(3), 5–16. (Original work published November 28, 2023)


