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Social marketing, COVID 19 prevention, preventive behaviors


This work seeks to describe the impact of social health marketing for the prevention of COVID 19 in nursing staff of a social security institution. Methodologically, it is a quantitative, descriptive-correlational and cross-sectional study, carried out on 250 nurses; The modified instrument "Survey of perception and health behaviors" was used, based on the Becker & Maiman Health Belief Model, in addition Pearson correlations were made between items of perception of affectivity of campaigns and preventive behaviors. Among the main findings, a positive impact was identified on the perception of susceptibility to illness 64.8%, perception of the severity of the disease 83.2%, perception of barriers to achieve desirable behavior 79.2% and image of materials and campaigns 77.2%, in addition found positive correlations suggesting that the perception of the effectiveness of social marketing campaigns in reducing the risk of COVID-19 infection was positively associated with greater knowledge of preventive measures, being well informed, practicing good respiratory hygiene, and maintaining often social distancing. The findings highlight the importance of specific social marketing campaigns to promote positive behavior change and adherence to preventive measures among health professionals such as nurses in Mexico.


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2023-08-17 — Updated on 2023-05-27


How to Cite

Cheverria Rivera, S., Tobías Ochoa, K. B., Flores Rueda, I. C., & Sánchez Macías, A. (2023). IMPACT OF SOCIAL MARKETING IN HEALTH FOR THE PREVENTION OF COVID 19 IN A SOCIAL SECURITY INSTITUTION. FACE: Revista De La Facultad De Ciencias Económicas Y Empresariales, 23(2), 148–160. (Original work published August 17, 2023)


