Model of Social Marketing in Health in Mexico during COVID-19
modelo, mercadotecnia social, salud, México, Covid-19.Abstract
Marketing has undergone significant changes with the innovation and digitization of products and services, leading to the emergence of Marketing 5.0, which prioritizes understanding consumer behavior through technological interaction. Faced with the challenges of COVID-19, institutions, especially in the healthcare sector, have had to adapt. Social marketing in healthcare becomes crucial when analyzing consumers of healthcare services, being the focus of advertising strategies. The healthcare sector has intensified its advertising efforts by disseminating messages through various channels to raise awareness among the population.
The aim of this research is to validate the model of social marketing in healthcare, previously proposed, by evaluating its reliability, validity, and associated hypotheses. A methodological design was employed, including the application of a questionnaire and data analysis through confirmatory factor analysis and structural modeling. The results suggest a good fit of the social marketing model in healthcare.
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