Marketing in microenterprises in the Santa Fe district of Bogota*.




Comercialización, microempresas, marketing, contabilidad, logística


Following the commitment of the Universidad Jorge Tadeo Lozano stipulated in the Institutional Educational Project, the efforts of each faculty and each academic program are oriented towards formative research and rapid application in the community. In this way, this project is intended to permeate the commercial and strategic reality and originate a document that serves as a link between the academy and the real sector as a significant contribution to the solution of social problems. Undoubtedly, the School of Economics and Administrative Sciences can make important contributions to the extent that it deepens in the roles of the producer and the consumer and in the different areas of application of the commercial approach. Likewise, through its production, it can improve the indicators in the measurements of the research groups of the UJTL. In accordance with institutional research policies, this project will dynamically meet the following demands: generation of options to meet the needs of basic undergraduate training, consolidation of the program's research group, increase of students enrolled in research groups, creation of knowledge and application in the training of students, increase of academic productivity of teachers and strengthening of relations between researchers of the UJTL, government entities and research groups from other academic entities.
Likewise, it dynamizes the field of analysis and participation of the Marketing, Public Accounting and International Commerce programs, in the development of competencies and capacities to contribute to the strengthening of micro-entrepreneurs in the Santa Fe area.


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2021-02-02 — Updated on 2017-03-10


How to Cite

Peñalosa Otero, M. E., Calderón Carmona, G., & Benavides, G. F. (2017). Marketing in microenterprises in the Santa Fe district of Bogota*. FACE: Revista De La Facultad De Ciencias Económicas Y Empresariales, 17(1), 19–34. (Original work published February 2, 2021)




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