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Analysis of the variables that affect the learning of Colombian centennials.




The learning process is fundamental for all generations, but in the case of centennials (the generation born approximately between the mid-90s and mid-2010s), it acquires distinctive characteristics due to the technological and social environment in which theyhave grown up, such as, for example, digitalization and technological adaptation, the skills developed in the 21st century such as creativity and the ability to solve problems, the accelerated changes in the labor market due to automation and globalization, social and cultural awareness and personal empowerment, among others.This is why it is necessary to understand a generation of young Colombians who are studying the last years of secondary education, as well as those who are in the first semesters of higher education, who learn and study in a different way and In the short future they must make decisions for their future.Therefore, the learning process today is essential for centennials, as it allows them to adapt to a constantly changing world, develop relevant skills for the 21st century, better understand social and cultural issues, and become personally empowered to achieve their goals. and contribute to society. Accordingly, the objective of this work is to be able to analyze some of the identified variables that affect the learning of Colombian centennials


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2024-07-09 — Updated on 2024-04-27


How to Cite

Arango Lozano, C. A., & Peñalosa Otero, M. E. (2024). Analysis of the variables that affect the learning of Colombian centennials. FACE: Revista De La Facultad De Ciencias Económicas Y Empresariales, 24(1), 179–185.




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