The impact of sustainable marketing and the trend of vintage or second-hand clothing on Generation Z.
sustainable marketing, fast fashion, second-hand clothing, generation ZAbstract
Currently, second-hand or vintage clothing has become a purchasing trend among young people of generation Z. This is due to the fact that various organizations resort to the use of digital platforms, whether for convenience, economy or the apparent or real intention to contribute to the environment, to communicate a sustainable position. In this way, generation Z is interested in purchasing vintage clothing since this is a generation that was born and raised under an educational scheme aimed at helping the environment, leading them not to create consumerism of disposable clothing or fast fashion. The present research is of a mixed nature, of exploratory-descriptive scope and of transectional scope, whose main objective was to establish the impact and influence that marketing has had on vintage clothing on young people. Young people between 15 and 24 years old in Morelia, Mexico were surveyed to find out the impact of vintage or second-hand clothing fashion marketing on this sector of the population. The research made it possible to establish an attraction on the part of young people to consume more and more second-hand clothing.
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