The Journal @limentech, Food Science and Technology, attached to the Food Department of the Faculty of Engineering and Architecture of the University of Pamplona, has as its main objective to provide a space for the consolidation and dissemination of scientific and academic knowledge in the agri-food chain to the institutional, local, regional, national and international community. During the years 2013 and 2014, it published biannual issues. As of 2015, its periodicity is semiannual.

Aimed at academics, entrepreneurs, students and professionals in the areas of food, agriculture, microbiology, agroindustry, nutrition, environment and chemistry.

Peer review process

The Journal @limentech, Food Science and Technology evaluates the contributions of its authors with a double-blind peer review policy. Once an article is proposed, the Editor sends the manuscript to two expert reviewers in the area (usually external to the publishing institutions) to submit it to a strict arbitration process (in cases where there is controversy between the evaluators, a third reviewer will be sought). Each reviewer can accept or reject the article. Likewise, in case of acceptance, he/she may suggest changes in the structure and content of the text to the author. If this is the case, a second round of review is carried out, thus giving the author the possibility of adapting the text to the editorial criteria of the Yearbook. Revision time is a maximum of three months. The editor of the Journal should inform the author(s) about the process of evaluation and selection of articles.

Open access policy and publication costs

This journal provides immediate free access to its content under the principle of making research freely available to the public in order to encourage a greater exchange of global knowledge. This implies that authors are not charged for the management, evaluation and publication of their article.

Anti-plagiarism policy

Manuscripts submitted for review @limentech, Ciencia y Tecnología Alimentaria must be original and unpublished. The editorial team will review the originality of all manuscripts submitted to the journal through different means, including the Turnitin tool. By submitting an article for review, the authors agree that the document will be examined in order to avoid plagiarism situations and to promote ethical policies in publications.

@limentech, Ciencia y Tecnología Alimentaria adheres to the policies of the Committee on Publication Ethics - COPE (JM12058) in order to maintain transparency and good practices, prevent inappropriate conduct in the publication of articles and promote high quality academic production. In case of suspicion of plagiarism, we will proceed in accordance with these policies.


Manuscripts submitted to @limentech, Ciencia y Tecnología Alimentaria must be original and unpublished and must not have been simultaneously submitted to other journals, compilations or any other means of publication. The copyright will belong to the University of Pamplona. When the authors wish to submit the manuscript to another publication, they should ask the Editorial Office of the University of Pamplona for the corresponding permissions. Likewise, when journals are interested in publishing articles that have been previously included in other media, they will proceed to request the corresponding permissions from the copyright owners.

Self-archiving preservation policy

The journals published by the University of Pamplona guarantee the digital preservation of their content through the self-archiving system.

On the other hand, the works published in the journals of the University, self-archiving is allowed in the repositories of the institutions to which the authors belong, of the version published by the publisher (Published version) and it is recommended to include in the record the URL corresponding to the document in that of the journal directly where the article is.


Author and editorial rights must be credited.

A link to the publisher's version must be added.

The publisher's published version must be added.

License of our contents

Authors grant the journal the right to be the first publication of the work, as well as licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License that allows others to share the work with an acknowledgement of authorship of the work and initial publication in this journal.

As of 2015, due to changes in editorial policy, all papers published in this journal are distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.