Effects of brand value on consumer behavior in a public higher education institution in Rioverde, s. l. p.





Brand Value, Consumer Behavior, IPES, higher education


The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of brand equity on consumer behavior at the Instituto Tecnológico Superior de Rioverde. The research was quantitative, descriptive, correlational and cross-sectional. A total of 303 students from five engineering courses participated in this study. A survey was used as a data collection technique and an instrument that consisted of 31 questions related to brand value: 4 to evaluate notoriety, 5 to evaluate image, 8 to evaluate loyalty and 15 to analyze quality, in addition to considering 4 items to analyze attitude, 10 items to analyze perception and 8 items to evaluate motivation, variables that are part of consumer behavior. It was identified that the best perceived brand value variable is image, followed by notoriety, then quality and finally loyalty. In addition, it was concluded that brand equity does influence consumer behavior, obtaining a significance of 0.000 in the attitude, perception and motivation variables.


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How to Cite

Sánchez Gallegos, J. A., Grimaldo Reyes, S. E., Gómez Sánchez, D., & Balderas Huerta, M. E. (2024). Effects of brand value on consumer behavior in a public higher education institution in Rioverde, s. l. p. FACE: Revista De La Facultad De Ciencias Económicas Y Empresariales, 24(2), 17–25. https://doi.org/10.24054/face.v24i2.3114




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