This is an outdated version published on 2023-10-01. Read the most recent version.

Corporate social responsibility in the fast fashion textile industry: genuine concern or mere simulation?




Corporate Social Responsibility, Sustainability, Marketing, Greenwashing, sustainability, Fast Fashion


The term Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) despite being a topic that is booming due to the interest in being studied
and applied by companies, the bases of this term are very old. Since ancient Greece and Rome, there were indications
of principles such as charity and philanthropy to govern people's actions and do social good. Philosophers such as
Aristotle, Plato, Freud, Sartre and theorists of economic and business sciences such as Pacioli, Smith, Nash, among
others, are some of those who studied topics related to Corporate Social Responsibility in their time, for example, the
possible improvements to sustain economic growth, the social conditions required for human life, human greed and its
effects, etc. (Cancino & Morales, 2008).
But it was not until the 60s where, according to Martínez in (Duarte, 2015), the concept of Social Responsibility emerged
in the United States, due to the Vietnam War, Apartheid, among other conflicts that caused citizen movements where
they began to demand changes in international trade and the involvement of companies in social problems. Since then,
there are more and more movements and concern on the part of society that have caused companies to see the need
to implement Social Responsibility strategies.


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Cancino, d. C., & Morales, P. M. (Diciembre de 2008). Responsabilidad Social Empresarial. (F. d. Universidad de Chile, Ed.) Santiago, Chile: Departamento Control de Gestión y Sistemas de Información. Obtenido de

Castro, J. (2021). La Industria Textil y de la Moda, Reponsabilidad Social y la Agenda 2030. doi:

Duarte, F. (2015). Responsabilidad Social Empresarial. Revista Lidera(10), 41-45. Obtenido de

García, N. A. (2022). Greenwashing en la Industra de la Moda. Obtenido de


H&M. (16 de Septiembre de 2014). Go Green Wear Blue - Conscious Denim by H&M. Obtenido de

H&M. (3 de Septiembre de 2015). H&M Conscious: Sustainable fashion through recycled clothes. Obtenido de

H&M. (11 de Abril de 2016). H&M World Recycle Week featuring M.I.A. Obtenido de

Levi Strauss & Co. (s.f.). Levi's México. Recuperado e Marzo de 2023, de

Levi's. (11 de Diciembre de 2020). Sustainability Talks, edición 2: El agua en la industria de la moda | Levi’s® México. Obtenido de

Levi's. (23 de Noviembre de 2020). Sustainability Talks, edición 3: Reduce tu huella en el ambiente| Levi’s® México. Obtenido de

Levi's. (24 de Septiembre de 2020). Sustainability Talks, edición1: Moda y Sustentabilidad | Levi´s® Mexico. Obtenido de

Márquez, S. A. (Marzo de 2022). Marketing Verde y Greenwashing: Impacto en la Economia de la empresa. Obtenido de

Martín, L. R. (3 de Julio de 2019). Comunicación de la sostenibilidad de las principales marcas de fast fashion españolas e italianas: Zara, Mango, Calzedonia y OVS. Diferencias entre el punto de venta online y el punto de venta físico. doi:

Sabuquillo, J. L. (2021). Sostenibilidad como valor que vende en la comunicación de la moda: Caso H&M vs. SKFK. Obtenido de

Zara Store. (29 de Noviembre de 2022). Join Life for Zara. Obtenido de

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2023-11-28 — Updated on 2023-10-01


How to Cite

Cortés Hernández, A., Bejar Tinoco, V., & García Torres, A. B. (2023). Corporate social responsibility in the fast fashion textile industry: genuine concern or mere simulation?. FACE: Revista De La Facultad De Ciencias Económicas Y Empresariales, 23(3), 66–73. (Original work published December 6, 2023)


