Persuasive and narrative elements determining in the creation of a media character through the use of personal branding to generate an impact of social influence represented in increased votes within a political campaign. case study: Samuel García's gover




Personal branding, political campaigns, advertising


In electoral campaigns, a large amount of capital is for publicity and political communication, where each party oversees carrying out logistics that build a symbolic brand of the candidate. In addition, it is undeniable to mention that the world is in constant development thanks to the advancement of technology, which has allowed a hyperconnected society to modify not only access to content, but also social behavior, purchasing trends and political viewing; However, if a comparison is made of these changes in society in relation to the quality of the electoral campaigns, a lack of congruence between one and the other can be appreciated, since it seems that the communication strategies were stagnant and do not adapt. to the consumer. of the XXI. For this reason, an analysis of the campaign of Samuel García for the governorship of Nuevo León was completed, who stood out for knowing how to captivate his electorate


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2023-08-17 — Updated on 2023-05-27


How to Cite

Resendiz Alvarado, S., Rodríguez Lucio, C. I., & Tovar, J. R. (2023). Persuasive and narrative elements determining in the creation of a media character through the use of personal branding to generate an impact of social influence represented in increased votes within a political campaign. case study: Samuel García’s gover. FACE: Revista De La Facultad De Ciencias Económicas Y Empresariales, 23(2), 101–107. (Original work published August 17, 2023)


