Social Marketing in Healthcare During the COVID-19 Era




marketing social, estrategias publicitarias, difusión de mensajes, canales de distribución


Currently, companies and governments are facing serious problems caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, especially in the healthcare sector and among health-conscious consumers. Additionally, the discipline of marketing has undergone significant changes, particularly in the study of social marketing in healthcare. Advertising strategies have adapted to the new normal by disseminating messages through various distribution channels with the aim of raising awareness among the population. Based on the above, the research objective is to analyze social marketing in healthcare and propose a theoretical model based on advertising strategies, message dissemination, and distribution channels among health-conscious consumers during the pandemic. The research methodology is descriptive, with a causal and cross-sectional approach, through the design of an instrument. Finally, it is concluded that governments and companies must make efforts to develop social marketing advertising strategies in healthcare through the dissemination of messages and selection of appropriate distribution channels to achieve population awareness.


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2021-10-15 — Updated on 2021-05-23


How to Cite

Ruiz Santoyo, G. A., Juárez López, B., & Aguilera Fernández, A. (2021). Social Marketing in Healthcare During the COVID-19 Era. FACE: Revista De La Facultad De Ciencias Económicas Y Empresariales, 21(2), 22–33. (Original work published October 15, 2021)




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