Construction of scale that measures the perception of infections and sexually transmitted diseases in Young adults




Perception, Sexually transmitted diseases, Young adults, Sexually transmitted infections.


The objective of this study was to construct a scale to measure the perception of sexually transmitted infections and diseases in young adults at a private university. The methodology used was quantitative and simple random sampling was applied to obtain a sample of 101 participants. A Likert scale of 54 items was implemented, distributed in 4 dimensions: venereal diseases, causes of infection, methods of care and consequences of sexually transmitted diseases. The psychometric results showed a high level of reliability of the scale, with a Cronbahc alpha coefficient (a) equal to or higher than 0.934. In addition, statistically significant associations were found, indicating a good internal consistency of the scale.


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How to Cite

Ávila-Sandoval, L. T., Dos Santos-Valencia, A. J., Parra-Galdino, L. C., Correa-García, A. I., Rincón-Rodríguez, N., Marín-Avellaneda, T., Silva-Monsalve, G., Cepeda-Pineda, D., & Rivera-Porras, D. (2023). Construction of scale that measures the perception of infections and sexually transmitted diseases in Young adults. REVISTA CIENTÍFICA SIGNOS FÓNICOS, 9(1), 25–40.




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