Style Guidelines

Style Guidelines

The manuscript must include citations, footnotes, tables, figures, and bibliographic references. It should be typed clearly and in a clean format, using Arial font, size 11, with justified alignment and 1.5 line spacing. The title must be centered, in both Spanish and English, in bold, uppercase, and with a concise and descriptive style. The margins should be symmetrical, 2.5 cm.


The authors must be identified by their full last name (first and second surname), followed by their first name, separated by commas. This information should be centered, with a space separating it from the title, and should include the respective academic degree of each author, their institutional affiliation (in bold, mentioning the originating institution first), and their respective email address.

Next, the abstract in Spanish should be included, followed by the Abstract in English, with a maximum length of 250 words. It should contain: a brief introduction, methodology, results, and conclusion. Finally, keywords in both languages (Keywords) should be provided. All keywords should be a maximum of 5 words, organized alphabetically and justified.

  • Introduction: This should introduce the reader to the topic being addressed. It must be supported by bibliographic references and end with the objective to be achieved in the paper. In-text citations for one or two authors should include the first author's last name (sentence style), followed by the year of publication in parentheses, separated by a comma. For references with more than two authors, only the first author's last name should be listed, followed by "et al." and the publication year.

  • Conclusions: These should align with the research objectives and the results obtained. They should be presented from the specific to the general.

  • Bibliographic References: Only the references cited in the text of the article should appear. These should be listed alphabetically, and if multiple citations from the same author are present, they should be arranged in descending chronological order. The number of authors for each reference should not exceed six; if more than six, only the first six authors should be listed, followed by "et al." The formats for presenting the different bibliographic references are as follows:

    • Journal Articles: Author(s). Title of the article. (Year). Name of the journal in italics. Volume (number): starting-ending page of the article.

    • Articles or Documents Consulted Online: Author(s). Title of the article or document. (Year). Available at: Consulted: consultation date.

    • Books: Author(s). Title of the book. Edition. Place of publication: publisher, year. (If the consultation was based on a chapter of the book, include the page range consulted, preceded by "p." after the year).

    • Legal Documents: Title of the law, decree, agreement, etc. Name of the issuing entity. Country, year.

    • Conference Proceedings: Author(s). Title of the presentation. (Year). Official name of the conference. Place of publication: publisher. Starting-ending page of the presentation.

  • Acknowledgments: Optional.

Complete articles (scientific and technological research articles) must also include:

  • Materials and Methods: Contains the necessary and/or referenced information for the reproducibility of experimental designs. If there are well-defined sections, they should be indicated with appropriate headings (e.g., sampling, sample preparation, etc.).

  • Results and Discussion: Presents the results obtained in an organized, clear, and concise manner, based on tables and figures. Information should not be presented in both forms. There must be an appropriate combination of results and discussion, exploring the significance or analysis of the results without redundancy.

  • Figures and Tables: These will be referred to as figures and should be in black and white. The tables will be referred to as tables. As they appear in the article, they should be referenced in the text (e.g., see Table 1 and/or see Figure 1). Tables and figures should include the source; otherwise, it will be assumed to be from the author. The author should follow international standards regarding units and abbreviations.


                                                                                  Fig.1.Titulo de la figura
Elaboración propia


                                                                              Tabla 1: Titulo de la Tabla


                                                                          Fuente: Elaboración propia


In the journal @Limentech, the CRediT (Contributor Roles Taxonomy) is implemented as a key tool to recognize and detail the specific contributions of each author in the creation and development of scientific articles. This taxonomy, which breaks down responsibilities into categories such as conceptualization, methodology, writing, data analysis, and funding, allows for a clearer and more precise representation of individual roles within a research team. By using it, @Limentech promotes transparency, proper recognition, and accountability, which are fundamental aspects of contemporary scientific publishing. In this way, it ensures that each author receives the appropriate credit for their contributions, fostering a collaborative and fair environment in science.

Any article to be considered by the Editorial Committee for possible publication in the @Limentech Ciencia y Tecnología Alimentaria Journal must include the following in order:

Submission of Articles

Each article must comply with the guidelines established and indicated in the latest issue published by the @Limentech Ciencia y Tecnología Alimentaria Journal. It should be sent via email to:, in Microsoft Office® Word and PDF formats. Additionally, a letter must be attached in which the author(s) declare that the content has not been previously published and that there is no conflict of interest. Once the article is received, the journal will notify the corresponding author of the receipt via email.