Selection and training of coffee tasting judges
café, calidad en taza, cata, jueces semientrenadosAbstract
The objective of the present investigation was to train a group of judges in cup coffee tasting. It was carried out in the Sensory Evaluation Laboratory of the University of Pamplona. The samples supplied to the judges were prepared according to NTC 4883. The first stage of the process consisted of summoning students from the Food Engineering program of the University of Pamplona to be candidates to form the group of judges to train in coffee tasting. in cup; to whom sensitive discriminative tests were applied to detect aromas and flavors (NTC 4883). The candidates with the best results went to the next training phase, which was carried out through descriptive tests using a category scale, where the panelists were able to differentiate the quality attributes of coffee samples from: high quality, pasilla coffee, coffee with storage, roasting and grinding defects. Subsequently, a multiple paired comparison test was applied, where the semi-trained judges determined fragrance, aroma, flavor, body and aftertaste, finally a discriminative pair comparison test was applied where the judges had to choose which was the most bitter and acid of the samples supplied, in such a way that semi-trained judges differentiated a good cup of coffee from a bad one. At the end of this test, the participants were able to identify, quantify and describe the characteristics of cup coffee. Obtaining as a result the training of eleven semi-trained judges in cup coffee tasting
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