Nutritional and sensory validation of allergen-free Vegetable porridge for children under two years




Complementary feeding, food allergy, flour, food industry


Children with cow's milk protein allergy are at high nutritional risk during complementary feeding, given that there is not much variety of products on the market that are safe for this population, in addition to the fact that foods made without dairy products tend to have poorly accepted sensory characteristics. Due to the above, the objective of this project was to evaluate nutritionally and sensorially a line of porridges for children with cow's milk protein allergy. A proximal nutritional analysis and a quantitative descriptive test with a trained panel was carried out on 12 porridges and then a hedonic test with parents/caregivers on 4 of the 12 porridges.
We obtained porridges with positive nutrient declarations, adequate balance in taste and consistency and a higher acceptance for the oat banana mixture determined by taste and texture.


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2024-09-23 — Updated on 2024-04-04


How to Cite

Osorio Salazar , D. V., Valencia Naranjo, A., Henao Roldán, C., & Jaramillo Yepes, F. A. (2024). Nutritional and sensory validation of allergen-free Vegetable porridge for children under two years. @limentech, Ciencia Y Tecnología Alimentaria, 22(1), 226–247. (Original work published September 23, 2024)


