Effect of two drying methodologies of pineapple slices (ananas comosus) on the nutritional content


  • Leocadia Flor Pérez Romero
  • Alan Jesus Manrique Ysaias
  • Anghie Tatiana Torres Terrel
  • Diana Rosa Yauri Mayorga
  • Jasiel Jemina Romo Huayllani
  • Enzo Martín Casimiro Soriano




solar drying, incubator drying, pineapple, nutrients


Pineapple (Ananas comosus) is a tropical fruit characterized by its nutritional content and moisture. Therefore, it is necessary to extend its useful life through drying without affecting its nutritional properties. The objective of the research was to determine the effect of the methodologies of solar drying and by induction of heat in the stove, on the nutritional content of pineapple slices. For this, the sensory and physicochemical analysis of fresh and dried pineapple samples was carried out. The sun-dried samples initially had a humidity of 8,.29%, 15,3 °brix and pH of 3,75. The initial concentrations of micronutrients (in mg/100 g of pineapple) were 28,20 for Ca, 8,50 for Mg, 3,96 for P and 140 forK. After drying in both methods, affectation was found in the sensory characteristics due to loss of aroma, color change, intensification of sweet flavor, lower pulp consistency and increase in the concentration of micronutrients. Comparing both drying techniques, significant differences were observed in the micronutrients for both methods (p<0,05) according to the Student's t test. The calcium and potassium content were higher after drying in the oven (420 and 310 mg/100g of pineapple, respectively) and the content of magnesium and phosphorus were higher forsolar drying (650 and 540 mg/100g of pineapple, respectively). The results indicate that the quality characteristics were better after drying by electric induction of heat in an oven.


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2021-01-08 — Updated on 2020-11-20


How to Cite

Pérez Romero, L. F., Manrique Ysaias, A. J., Torres Terrel, A. T., Yauri Mayorga, D. R., Romo Huayllani, J. J., & Casimiro Soriano, E. M. (2020). Effect of two drying methodologies of pineapple slices (ananas comosus) on the nutritional content. @limentech, Ciencia Y Tecnología Alimentaria, 18(2), 5–24. https://doi.org/10.24054/limentech.v18i2.317 (Original work published January 8, 2021)


