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Evaluation of the antioxidant activity of the curuba (passiflora mollissima bailey) extracted from the municipality of Pamplona norte de santander and its application in a dairy product type ice cream.


  • Yerlis Diaz-Passo Universidad de Cartagena,
  • Valeria Puerta-De La Barrera Universidad de Cartagena
  • Clemente Granados-Conde Universidad de Cartagena
  • Giovanna Pastrana-May Universidad de Cartagena
  • Glicerio León-Méndez Corporación Universitaria Rafael Núñez



Antioxidant activity, fruits, Curuba, shelf life


The antioxidant activity of the Curuba fruit (Passiflora Mollissima) from the municipality of Pamplona (Norte de Santander) – Colombia and the application in a food matrix was determined. The fruits were collected in the municipality of Pamplona – Norte de Santandermceclip0-40c31694f1d3a2b40945513d173afb09.png. Antioxidant activity was determined by DPPH• and ABTS methods. The results of the antioxidant activity test showed that the pulp of Curuba, by the methods of DPPH• and ABTS.+ reached values of mceclip1-ba4a8d833db398b212da9239431e75a7.png respectively. Therefore, the pulp of Passiflora Mollissima is considered promising for designing food products due to its high antioxidant activity.


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2024-02-21 — Updated on 2023-12-15


How to Cite

Diaz-Passo, Y., Puerta-De La Barrera, V., Granados-Conde, C., Pastrana-May, G., & León-Méndez, G. (2023). Evaluation of the antioxidant activity of the curuba (passiflora mollissima bailey) extracted from the municipality of Pamplona norte de santander and its application in a dairy product type ice cream. @limentech, Ciencia Y Tecnología Alimentaria, 21(2), 114–123. (Original work published February 21, 2024)




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