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Fruits, guava, coating, shelf life


Edible coatings are described as a thin, transparent and edible layer that surrounds a food, usually by immersing it in a solution that forms the coating in order to contribute to the preservation of the quality of the food matrix and in turn, provide packaging. The objective of the present study was to evaluate the efficiency of edible coatings on the shelf life of immature green guava (Psidium guajava L), for which K- carrageenan and glycerol were used as coating material and plasticizing material, respectively, as well as the CIE L*A*B, DeltaE coordinates for the determination of color changes as a function of maturity and storage conditions at room temperature (30 C) for 10 years. days. As a result, the coating made with K-carrageenan managed to maintain the properties of the fruit for longer, which allows us to verify that the use of this coating is a feasible preservation method that helps to delay ripening and, therefore, increase the shelf life of fruits such as guavas.


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How to Cite

De La Espriella-Angarita, S., Granados-Conde, C., Leon-Mendez, G., Torrenegra-Alarcon, M., & Osorio-Fortich, M. (2023). EVALUATION OF THE IMPACT OF AN EDIBLE COATING ON THE CONSERVATION OF GUAVA (Psidium guajava). @limentech, Ciencia Y Tecnología Alimentaria, 21(2).




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