Implementation of good agricultural practices for producers in the municipalities of Abrego and Villa Caro




Farmers, Crops, Eco-sowing, Safety, Food production


This complete scientific research article is derived from a project of the Government of Norte de Santander focused on small farm producers within the framework of updating agricultural practices as a component that affects health, quality, safety and economy. producers, families and society in general. The main objective was to evaluate the implementation of Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) in 30 farms linked to the Ecosembrando project in the municipalities of Abrego and Villa Caro in Norte de Santander. The execution time was during the year 2021. The methodology used was of a mixed type with qualitative and quantitative methods with instruments such as initial and participant observation, interviews with peasants and farmers, training workshops for focus groups and a final questionnaire with questions closed to verify the knowledge acquired and the guidelines implemented by small producers. The main results showed that there is a total ignorance of peasants and farmers about the GAP standard; however, with the training, workshops, and explanations, it was possible to meet more than 80% of the requirements demanded by the standard to improve agricultural practices. The most relevant conclusions show that, despite the ignorance of GAP, farmers and growers are quite receptive to learning about the subject to improve their crops and the traditional way of agriculture by incorporating new techniques.


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2023-11-23 — Updated on 2023-11-23


How to Cite

Villamizar Gómez, N., Castellanos Gonzales, L., & Montañez Acevedo, G. (2023). Implementation of good agricultural practices for producers in the municipalities of Abrego and Villa Caro. @limentech, Ciencia Y Tecnología Alimentaria, 21(2), 36–56.


