Rheological properties of a cookie product made from quinoa flour (Chenopodium quinoa)


  • Amparo Luz Púa Rosado
  • Carolina Torregrosa Romero
  • Elverling Torres Barraza
  • Genisberto Enrique Barreto Rodríguez
  • Ronald Marsiglia Fuentes




gluten, pseudoplástico, quinua, viscoelástico, viscosidad


Currently, the consumption of gluten-free foods has increased, partly due to a significant rise in people with gastrointestinal disorders such as celiac disease. Consequently, the food industry has explored various grains and pseudocereals to innovate and market gluten-free products. This study conducted rheological analyses on quinoa flour-based cookie dough at room temperature using a controlled force rheometer. Viscosity of the cookie dough was analyzed through a flow curve, and the linear viscoelastic region was determined via stress sweep and frequency sweep tests. Results were compared with a control formulation using wheat flour to assess gluten's impact on behaviors.

From the flow curve, it was deduced that the quinoa flour-based cookie dough exhibited viscous behavior characteristic of a non-Newtonian pseudoplastic fluid, time-independent, fitting well with the Cross mathematical model with determination coefficients of 0.97 and 0.94 for the two formulations, respectively. Oscillatory tests determined the linear viscoelastic region, showing that the storage modulus (G’) was consistently higher than the loss modulus (G’’) for both stress and frequency sweeps. It was concluded that the quinoa flour-based formulation also displayed viscoelastic behavior, with elastic dominance over viscous components.


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2023-02-10 — Updated on 2022-12-01


How to Cite

Púa Rosado, A. L., Torregrosa Romero, C., Torres Barraza, E., Barreto Rodríguez, G. E., & Marsiglia Fuentes, R. (2022). Rheological properties of a cookie product made from quinoa flour (Chenopodium quinoa). @limentech, Ciencia Y Tecnología Alimentaria, 20(2), 24–40. https://doi.org/10.24054/limentech.v20i2.2287 (Original work published February 10, 2023)


