Trends in research on the influence of nutrition on the organizational climate from a literary review
Work environment, work conduct, managerial leadership, staff motivation, nutrition, work satisfactionAbstract
The literature review allowed us to identify the evolution and research trends in the area of organizational climate and how the nutrition of collaborators influences. A scientific mapping approach was used, developing a literature review, which integrates bibliometrics and network analysis. An exploration of the Scopus and WoS databases was carried out. The records obtained allowed the construction of the bibliometric network of the most relevant documents, which were categorized into classic, structural and perspective. This process made it possible to identify research currents. In addition, it was evidenced that the organizational climate covers an emotional and behavioral area, where the nutritional context is of great interest, allowing workers to have optimal performance in their work, providing balance and stability when carrying out activities with a certain level of determining responsibility. , it is concluded that these constructs should be considered more thoroughly in the future and in different institutional settings, such as education, health services and government, to properly delineate the limits of the evaluation of managerial currents.
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