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stakeholder, stakeholder economic evaluation, stakeholder theory, value creation


This article reflects on the main assumptions of agency theory and stakeholder theory. The starting point is the simple and practical definition of the main concepts formulated by the seminal authors, their current application in organizations, the points in common between the two theories and the relationship with the concept of value creation. The objective is to explore the fundamental ideas and reflect on the importance for the parties involved to know their foundation. Finally, the main postulates left by each theory and the way in which, based on their knowledge, they can be used to the benefit of all parties are highlighted.


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2023-08-11 — Updated on 2023-03-17


How to Cite

González Monroy, M. A., López Carreño, D. K., & Pabón León, J. A. (2023). AGENCY AND STAKEHOLDER THEORIES FROM THE CONCEPT OF VALUE CREATION. FACE: Revista De La Facultad De Ciencias Económicas Y Empresariales, 23(1), 111–130. (Original work published August 11, 2023)


