Social Media Strategy Analysis for the Colombian restaurant sector during the Covid-19 pandemic crisis.




Marketing relacional digital, Redes sociales, Restaurantes


Social media marketing is one of the most important trends today, as companies, including restaurants, have had to migrate to digital environments to survive the crisis caused by the Covid-19 pandemic. The objective of this document is to analyze the strategy of Colombian restaurants on the two social networks with the highest Return on Investment in Latin America: Facebook and Instagram (Hubspot, 2021), and to perform a correlation analysis between the selected variables, thus defining, improving, and informing about best practices in the sector. To achieve this goal, information was collected through netnography from a sample of 146 Colombian restaurants, and they were analyzed in general, and then divided between franchised or not, the latter with the intention of determining if there are strengths in the social media strategy that differentiate them from non-franchised restaurants, and thus determine if they have better practices that can be adopted by the sector.


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2021-10-15 — Updated on 2021-05-20


How to Cite

Parra Acosta, Y. K., Almanza, C. A., & Astudillo Valverde, D. F. (2021). Social Media Strategy Analysis for the Colombian restaurant sector during the Covid-19 pandemic crisis. FACE: Revista De La Facultad De Ciencias Económicas Y Empresariales, 21(2), 84–98. (Original work published October 15, 2021)


