Analysis of health and safety conditions in the Ubaté and Zipaquirá marketplaces.




safety conditions, informality, work, Health Conditions


Workplace safety and health in the informal sector are individual and collective responsibilities, with the central focus being to prioritize actions that mitigate the presence of occupational diseases in different organizational contexts. The objective of this research is to identify the relationship between workplace safety and health conditions and the presence of symptomatology associated with work activities among informal workers in the Ubaté and Zipaquirá marketplaces. A quantitative, cross-sectional study with correlational scope is conducted, designing a questionnaire-based data collection instrument. The population consisted of 377 market stalls in Ubaté and 389 in Zipaquirá; using simple random sampling (SRS) for finite populations, the sample size was determined to be 183 and 151 work stalls for the Ubaté and Zipaquirá marketplaces respectively. The prevalence of symptomatology associated with health conditions, such as headaches, the presence of conditions ensuring workplace safety according to the interviewee's perception, a low percentage of affiliation to the contributory health system, pension contribution, and affiliation to the occupational risk administrator (ARL) were determined. With a 95% confidence level, an association (p = 0.001) was found between variables such as working hours and the presence of symptomatology associated with their health status in both marketplaces, suggesting the importance of implementing control and intervention measures to improve workers' conditions.


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2021-08-20 — Updated on 2021-02-10


How to Cite

Fuentes Rojas, G., Rincón Téllez, D., Fuentes Rojas, E., & Lozano Piedrahita, C. (2021). Analysis of health and safety conditions in the Ubaté and Zipaquirá marketplaces. FACE: Revista De La Facultad De Ciencias Económicas Y Empresariales, 21(1), 125–135. (Original work published August 20, 2021)


