Impact of the 2008 Crisis on the Intellectual Capital of Companies Listed on the Mexican Stock Exchange




capital humano, competitividad, capital intelectual, capital estructural, capital empleado


Economic crises occur periodically, sometimes seen as opportunities for improvement and encouragement of innovative management approaches, while other times negatively impacting the performance and sustainability of businesses. This article aims to identify differences in terms of intellectual capital and competitiveness arising from the 2008 economic crisis in companies listed on the Mexican Stock Exchange. Using the proposed measurement of intellectual capital VAICTM, it can be observed that indicators of human, structural, and employee capital increased after the crisis, positively impacting the competitiveness of the companies.


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2021-01-16 — Updated on 2020-12-05


How to Cite

Villegas González, E., Salazar Hernández, B. C., & Mendoza Moheno, J. (2020). Impact of the 2008 Crisis on the Intellectual Capital of Companies Listed on the Mexican Stock Exchange. FACE: Revista De La Facultad De Ciencias Económicas Y Empresariales, 20(2), 128–143. (Original work published January 16, 2021)


