Two decades of intellectual capital study: a bibliometric analysis.




capital intelectual, análisis bibliométrico, desempeño


The objective of this article is to examine the state of research on Intellectual Capital in terms of the behavior of the topic over the last two decades (1997-2017), considering its variables of human, structural, and relational capital. This was accomplished through a bibliometric study based on the Scopus database, taking into account the volume of production over the study period, the impact of publications, journals, and authors. The analysis demonstrates that research in this area has increased over the past twenty years, with Nick Bontis standing out as the author with the highest volume of production and impact in the study of the topic. It also provides evidence of the specialization of two journals in the UK, which focus on intellectual capital. Studies on intellectual capital revolve around three main areas: the relationship of intellectual capital with business performance, the measurement of intellectual capital, and its relationship with other variables such as value creation, corporate governance, human resource management, innovation, among others.


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2021-01-14 — Updated on 2020-12-04


How to Cite

Pulido López, A., & López Salazar, A. (2020). Two decades of intellectual capital study: a bibliometric analysis. FACE: Revista De La Facultad De Ciencias Económicas Y Empresariales, 20(2), 73–84. (Original work published January 14, 2021)


