Environmental services as a sustainable development model
Environment, environmental services, sustainability, sustainable developmentAbstract
This research talk about the importance of environmental services and their relationship with biodiversity, from a green or sustainable economy perspective. That is, giving it a vision where the environment plays an important role in the development of the economy. Since the green economy seeks to protect natural resources to ensure sustainable development and economic growth in society, but protecting natural resources, natural services must be cared for not only by the State but by society in general as well. Therefore, the objective of the research will be to analyze and understand the implications of environmental services to achieve sustainable development. Therefore, a review of the concept of payment for environmental services is carried out, since this model has sought to involve society in the protection of the environment through the collection of fees for the use of these services.Among the findings obtained, it is summarized that environmental services have taken on greater importance in achieving sustainable development in different countries, recognizing that each of them has a different degree of responsibility since this is recognized by their development and industrialization.
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