Crowdfunding: an approach to financing university ventures




investment, crowdfunding, financing, entrepreneurship


In Colombia, where business creation out of necessity prevails, people face the challenge of avoiding entrepreneurship, among other reasons, due to the lack of access to financing sources. Therefore, it became pertinent to identify the key aspects to generate a relationship between investors and ventures that arise from higher education institutions, through a study with a quantitative approach and descriptive design. Which included conducting surveys with entrepreneurial students and investors, to collect the appropriate data to generate an analysis, after coding the variables under study. It was found that there is an interest and availability of economic resources on the part of investors to support the development of business ideas from the educational field, focused through a crowdfunding platform that has great intermediation support.


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2024-04-20 — Updated on 2024-04-20


How to Cite

Gómez Miranda, O. M., Jiménez Zapata, E. M., & Jiménez Zapata, R. (2024). Crowdfunding: an approach to financing university ventures. FACE: Revista De La Facultad De Ciencias Económicas Y Empresariales, 24(1), 135–149.




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