Methodology for the development of electronic prototypes integrating hardware and software.




Firmware, Electronics, Agile Methodologies, Sprint


The article presents a methodological proposal for developing prototypes that integrate hardware and software. This
proposal starts with the identifying the differences and similarities presented in the development of firmware and
electronic hardware, and the complications of their integration into a prototype. It is based upon insights from pragmatic
programming, agile and cyclical methodologies for software development, the Bottom-Up strategy used in hardware
development, and some activities from the Out-In methodology. The methodology is divided into phases and stages.
The initialization phase comprises the stages of story, analysis, and tracer bullet. The development phase consists of
a sprint that commences with the tracer bullet, followed by several sprints of the construction stage, then the integration
stage, and culminates with the laboratory testing stage. The verification stage combines the demonstration and delivery
stage. If the prototype requirements are not met, one can return to the development phase and iterate again. The
methodology was applied in the development of a prototype, yielding satisfactory results in meeting the requirements
and in execution time. It is concluded that it is feasible to obtain a prototype integrating hardware and software at a
TRL6 maturity level within a specific timeframe, through the proposed methodology in a collaborative and iterative work


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How to Cite

Gasca, M., Medina, B., & Camargo, L. (2022). Methodology for the development of electronic prototypes integrating hardware and software. FACE: Revista De La Facultad De Ciencias Económicas Y Empresariales, 22(4), 154–164.