Chair of Sustainable Development Goals as a Change Initiative




SDG, Research, Action, Participation, Santa Marta, change


The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) symbolize the challenges that countries face in improving the living conditions of their inhabitants. The city of Santa Marta, both in its urban and rural areas, shows low indicators in achieving these goals. For this reason, the objective of this work is the implementation of a chair that represents a call to attract participants and carry out actions aimed at achieving these goals in their environment.

For the course design, the methodology of action-participation research is used, taking into account the nature and guidelines of the chair. The case study was conducted in the public school of the Bonda district, located in the rural area of Santa Marta. The population served consists of children between 14 and 17 years old, from peasant and indigenous families, from strata 0, 1, and 2, from grades 9, 10, and 11.

Results from evaluating the chair include: the fulfillment of the activity objective with a satisfaction level of 74% very high, 17% high, and 9% acceptable; a positive effect on participants with levels of 40% very high, 54% high, and 6% medium; a duration of the chair's effect of lifelong 34%, over two years 40%, one year 20%, and less time 6%; and 100% of attendees stated that the main impact of the chair is in improving living conditions. Additionally, four activities are identified to have a slight impact on Sustainable Development Goals 4, 6, 12, and 13 in the students' environment.

Finally, it is concluded that the development of this chair as a change initiative is possible.


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2023-11-11 — Updated on 2023-11-11


How to Cite

Gasca, M., Medina, B., & Camargo, L. (2023). Chair of Sustainable Development Goals as a Change Initiative. FACE: Revista De La Facultad De Ciencias Económicas Y Empresariales, 23(3), 134–141.


