Capacity building in resilient communities in land management knowledge, disaster risk awareness, adaptation and mitigation to climate change




Resilience, risk management, planning, territorial, climate


The effects of climate change, climate variability, and impacts from natural disasters are increasingly related to hydrometeorological conditions. Due to this, it is necessary to implement strategies that increase resilience in territories and prepare communities for response, aiming to save lives and reduce losses. The objective of this research is to propose a new structure for climatological early warning systems (CEWS) for extreme weather events as a measure of adaptation to climate change, based on the experiences of the climatological early warning system in Norte de Santander (Colombia). This proposal emphasizes a new bottom-up approach to the system, focusing on collective risk governance and shared responsibility in risk knowledge, risk reduction, and disaster management. The project was carried out in two phases by the University of Pamplona, in partnership with the National Unit for Disaster Risk Management (UNGRD) and the government of Norte de Santander, Colombia.


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2023-03-28 — Updated on 2023-03-28


How to Cite

Ramón Valencia, J. A., Vanegas Vanegas, D., & Ramón Valencia, J. D. (2023). Capacity building in resilient communities in land management knowledge, disaster risk awareness, adaptation and mitigation to climate change. FACE: Revista De La Facultad De Ciencias Económicas Y Empresariales, 23(1), 226–234.


