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Training on the professional development of the basic education teachers




Training, Professionalization, Teachers, fundamental education


At present, basic education teachers require comprehensive policies in their training, in view of the fact that a consistent analysis must be carried out between the realities lived today and the policies that are expressed from the state in the execution and implementation of the same from the governmental level. This document provides an overview of Mexican politics and its educational system, which has encouraged and urged teachers to train, update and receive continuous training to improve their professionalism in their service. In this sense, this dissertation highlights a reflection whose purpose is to highlight the professionalization and training of teachers in the different school stages, in which they develop their teaching practice in a truthful manner and under the quality standards of the teaching and learning processes. Likewise, emphasis is placed on the need to disseminate those reforms that contribute to the growth of teachers, where the perspective from the context is recognized, that is, from the real field of action, and thus have the perceptions and contributions of teachers, who can contribute to the labor dignity and optimization of their vocational essence.


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2023-08-11 — Updated on 2023-04-18


How to Cite

Cifuentes Medina, J. E., Rodriguez Hernandez, A. A., & Garcia Sandoval, P. A. (2023). Training on the professional development of the basic education teachers . FACE: Revista De La Facultad De Ciencias Económicas Y Empresariales, 23(1), 85–95. (Original work published August 11, 2023)




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