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The constructed meanings regarding persuasive messages in advertising for light foods, healthy habits, and emotional regulation among college students in Bogotá.




persuasión, publicidad, alimento, light, emoción, hábito


The present study aimed to understand the meaning of persuasive messages in advertising for light food brands, as well as healthy habits and emotional regulation in purchasing and consumption among young university students in Bogotá. The hermeneutic method was employed, and a qualitative investigation was conducted, which included the review of secondary sources. Through theoretical triangulation, supported by nutritional, psychological, and marketing perspectives, and by means of focus group sessions with 12 young university students from Bogotá, it was identified that persuasive messages regarding the consumption of light foods are associated with the pursuit of aesthetically beautiful, slim, and fit bodies, promoted by famous individuals or prominent models. These messages induce guilty pleasure and generate motivational states that oscillate between temptation and negativity regarding the consumed product. Although the promotion of healthy habits is linked to the consumption of light foods, the importance of a balanced and healthy diet is emphasized.


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2022-09-21 — Updated on 2022-08-28


How to Cite

Garzón Medina, C., & Botero Cardona, L. F. (2022). The constructed meanings regarding persuasive messages in advertising for light foods, healthy habits, and emotional regulation among college students in Bogotá. FACE: Revista De La Facultad De Ciencias Económicas Y Empresariales, 22(3), 160–171. (Original work published September 21, 2022)


