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Sensory Stimuli in Wine Tasting: A Study of the Wine Brotherhoods in the Northwest Region of São Paulo




Publicidad digital, saturación publicitaria, internet


After the appearance of wine, when King Jamshid noticed in his court that a jar of grape juice was emitting a different smell, he ordered it to be removed from his table, as it was considered unfit for consumption. In reality, it was the natural fermentation process of the beverage. The methodology of this research applied a qualitative approach, utilizing field research and the scale used in the study "Sensory Marketing and its Impacts on Retail Management and Consumer Perception." The sampling was convenience-based, applied to wine brotherhoods in the cities of São José do Rio Preto and Votuporanga, in the northwest region of the state of São Paulo. Among the results obtained, the research indicates that the sensory stimulus of hearing, through music, plays an important role when the wine consumer enters a store to choose their labels.


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2022-09-21 — Updated on 2022-08-01


How to Cite

da Silva, S. D., Monteiro, T. A., Pizzinatto, N. K., & Belli, H. C. (2022). Sensory Stimuli in Wine Tasting: A Study of the Wine Brotherhoods in the Northwest Region of São Paulo. FACE: Revista De La Facultad De Ciencias Económicas Y Empresariales, 22(3), 81–92. (Original work published September 21, 2022)


