Brand positioning: a strategy to strengthen marketing in a non-profit organization.




Posicionamiento de Marca, Marketing, Sin ánimo de lucro


In the department of Nariño, agricultural production is an extremely relevant sector of the economy, not only due to the volume of employment it generates but also because of its contribution to the region's finances and its impact on its inhabitants. Within this sector, there are social and solidarity economy organizations that were established in the late 1970s and have been characterized by revitalizing the industry, promoting models of productive association, and adding value to raw materials. Despite their significant contribution, some organizations in this sector, despite their market experience, face significant difficulties when competing locally, nationally, and, of course, internationally. This critical situation is rooted in the weak formulation and execution of strategies that address brand positioning. This dissertation will present an analysis of a dairy derivatives cooperative in the region that faces the aforementioned problem. Additionally, through qualitative research, the level of brand recall in its primary market niche was investigated, and based on the results, strategic actions were developed for the organization to implement. This will allow the organization to position its brand and thereby improve its competitiveness in the market.



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2021-10-15 — Updated on 2021-05-22


How to Cite

Jurado Paz, I. M. (2021). Brand positioning: a strategy to strengthen marketing in a non-profit organization. FACE: Revista De La Facultad De Ciencias Económicas Y Empresariales, 21(2), 68–83. (Original work published October 15, 2021)


