Marketing sensorial: factor determinante en la decisión de compra en los comercializadores de calzado de las micro y pequeñas empresas (MYPES).




Comercialización, consumidor, marketing sensorial, MYPES, punto de venta


The research aimed to identify how stimulating the consumer's senses (sight, hearing, and smell) influences their purchasing decision and time spent within the point of sale. The study is cross-sectional and exploratory, adopting a multiple case study approach. The results show that the most important sense influencing the purchasing decision is sight, followed by smell and hearing. The latter two have a greater influence on the consumer's decision regarding the time they spend inside the store.


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2021-08-19 — Updated on 2021-05-20


How to Cite

Luna Fernández, V. G., Velázquez Domínguez, A., Olvera Torres, F., & Chávez Medina, J. (2021). Marketing sensorial: factor determinante en la decisión de compra en los comercializadores de calzado de las micro y pequeñas empresas (MYPES). FACE: Revista De La Facultad De Ciencias Económicas Y Empresariales, 21(1), 49–62. (Original work published August 19, 2021)


