Deliberate and Emergent Strategy in Entrepreneurship: Proposals from a Cognitive Approach




Estrategia, emprendimiento, cognición


Propose a visual aid from a cognitive approach to guide the deliberate strategy of entrepreneurs and establish a strategic monitoring guide for the creation of emergent strategies based on systems dynamics. A constructivist epistemological position is used, and an action intervention method is employed. A visual aid based on cash flow is established to guide the deliberate strategy, and variability, constraints, and uncertainty are identified as elements for reflection in the creation of emergent strategies. Entrepreneurs should rely on heuristics to establish both deliberate and emergent strategies.


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2021-01-20 — Updated on 2019-10-19


How to Cite

Morúa Ramírez, J., Montoya Sanchez, M., & Aguirre Bustos, K. G. (2019). Deliberate and Emergent Strategy in Entrepreneurship: Proposals from a Cognitive Approach. FACE: Revista De La Facultad De Ciencias Económicas Y Empresariales, 19(2), 41–50. (Original work published January 20, 2021)


