Analysis of the Social Support for the Participation of the National Police (PONAL) in UN Peacekeeping Missions in the Context of Post-Conflict Colombia




Misiones de Paz, Postconflicto, Servicio Policial, Sustento Social, ONU


The purpose of this research is to analyze the significance of Colombia's participation of the National Police in UN peacekeeping missions, considering their collective experience (tactical, strategic, and humanistic) and its social impact on a project for lasting peace in the nation within the framework of the post-conflict period. A qualitative methodology was implemented, outlining the social foundations of the research. A semi-structured interview was conducted to gather information on the tactical, strategic, and humanistic capabilities acquired, emphasized, and strengthened by PONAL as a result of its active and continuous participation in missions. The investigative contribution acknowledges the social experience gained by the police through interaction in external armed conflicts and its mitigation via protocols for the reestablishment and prolongation of peace in the territories; this experience provides support and social backing for the participation of police members in UN peacekeeping missions, highlighting the importance of acquiring appropriate pragmatic skills and knowledge to contribute to the institution through police service in the various stages of the post-conflict period in Colombia and the consolidation of a stable and lasting peace.


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2021-01-20 — Updated on 2020-06-30


How to Cite

Sánchez Mejía, A., Mora Garzón, S. A., & Fajardo Pascagaza, E. (2020). Analysis of the Social Support for the Participation of the National Police (PONAL) in UN Peacekeeping Missions in the Context of Post-Conflict Colombia. FACE: Revista De La Facultad De Ciencias Económicas Y Empresariales, 20(1), 76–84. (Original work published January 20, 2021)


