

  • Javier Mauricio García Mogollón


Scientific production, more than a mere accumulation of knowledge, is a continuous process of reflection, analysis and communication that is materialized in the pages of academic journals such as the FACE Journal. The editorial processes that underpin the creation of each issue are fundamental to transform ideas, research and discoveries into scientific products accessible to the academic and professional public.
academic and professional audiences. In this volume 2024, number 2, of the FACE Journal, each article represents a collaborative effort that goes beyond the individual work of the researcher, being the result of a meticulous editorial process that guarantees the quality, rigor and relevance of the knowledge presented. The role of a rigorous editorial process is, in essence, to open the doors of knowledge through the careful selection of content that not only meets the highest scientific standards, but also responds to the needs of the academic and professional community. From the reception of manuscripts to peer review, each stage is carried out with an ethical commitment and a deep respect for scientific integrity, with a large number of international articles. This process not only filters the information, but also refines it, ensuring that what is presented in these pages is both accessible and impactful. In this sense, the articles in this volume reflect not only advances in their respective areas of study, but also the solidity and reliability that characterize FACE Journal.

In this sense, the articles in this issue are a testimony to the constant dialogue between theory and practice, between research and its actual application in specific contexts. Each published work has undergone an exhaustive review process that not only validates the originality and novelty of the findings, but also enriches the content with the critical vision of experts in the field. This exchange, facilitated by the editorial process, is what transforms a manuscript into a true scientific product, capable of contributing significantly to the existing body of knowledge and influencing future research and professional practices. Likewise, it is important to emphasize that, in an academic environment where information circulates rapidly and the quantity of publications continues to increase, editorial quality becomes a crucial differentiator. The FACE Journal, aware of this challenge, is committed to maintaining an editorial process that not only focuses on scientific excellence, but also promotes the social relevance and applicability of research results. This approach ensures that articles not only contribute to academic knowledge, but also have a real impact on the communities and sectors to which they are addressed. Finally, we invite readers to explore the articles in this volume 2024, number 2, with a critical and reflective eye, aware of the hard work and rigorous process that has led to their publication. Each article is an open door to knowledge, an invitation to enter new horizons and to participate in the scientific dialogue that defines our era. The FACE Journal is proud to be a vehicle for the dissemination of this knowledge, committed to excellence and openness, and we hope that readers will find in these pages inspiration, learning and a stimulus to continue their own research and contributions to knowledge.


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How to Cite

García Mogollón, J. M. (2024). Editorial. FACE: Revista De La Facultad De Ciencias Económicas Y Empresariales, 24(2), 1–5. Retrieved from https://ojs.unipamplona.edu.co/index.php/face/article/view/3127


