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Financial education evaluation model in emerging market. a qualitative comparative analysis by Gender in Colombiaal education evaluation model in emerging market. a qualitative comparative analysis by gender in Colombia




The objective of this research is to determine the variables for a financial education evaluation model in emerging market applied to a gender comparison. This study uses principal component analysis (PCA) and comparative qualitative fuzzy set analysis to determine the correlational of financial literacy variables and identify their patterns through their causal relationships. For this, the data set used has been collected through the application of 2499 questionnaires to the adult population of the departments of central Colombia. Using PCA is found 7 latent variables that al-lows to the generation of different scenarios that highlight the importance of the financial education variables analysed. Using fsQCA analysis is carried out six rounds to evaluate the causal conditions necessary for the occurrence
of savings, credit and investment for the community identified in the male and female gender This information is useful for the different organizations in charge of the legislation and implementation of the FE. Results confirms the existence of different perceptions and skills in FE among the subjects analysed. Likewise, these differences underscore the
importance of gender-specific FE and how it influences their financial decisions.


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How to Cite

Abril Teatin , J. A., Blanco Mesa , F., & Romero Muñoz, J. (2024). Financial education evaluation model in emerging market. a qualitative comparative analysis by Gender in Colombiaal education evaluation model in emerging market. a qualitative comparative analysis by gender in Colombia. FACE: Revista De La Facultad De Ciencias Económicas Y Empresariales, 24(1), 6–22.


