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attitudes, conceptions, curricular proposal, water sustainability


This article is the result of a research study carried out with 69 high school students from the Agroecological Amazonian Educational Institution (IEAA) of El Paujil Caquetá, Colombian Amazonia. The objective of the study was to stimulate the attitudes of the students towards the sustainability of water through school management. Within the framework of action research, a likert scale survey was applied at two points in time: at the beginning and at the end of the implementation of a systemic curriculum proposal designed by thirteen teachers to promote water sustainability and thus counteract the anthropocentric actions of the inhabitants of the Amazon region that affect water systems. When contrasting the attitudes of the students before and after the incorporation of the teaching of water sustainability to the class plans of the areas of the secondary education curriculum, it was evidenced that the students improved their behavior in aspects such as saving water, reducing the use of plastic, placing waste in the right place, reducing polluting practices, planting trees and taking care of water sources.


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How to Cite

Flórez Sterling, J., Suárez Arias, A. L., & Castro Alfaro, A. (2023). SCHOOL MANAGEMENT IN PROMOTING SECONDARY STUDENTS’ ATTITUDES ON WATER SUSTAINABILITY. EL PAUJIL CAQUETÁ, COLOMBIAN AMAZON. FACE: Revista De La Facultad De Ciencias Económicas Y Empresariales, 23(1).


