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Effect of the incorporation of isolated protein from sesame (Sesamum Indicum L.) on the bromatological and sensory properties of costeño cheese




Cheese, sesame, bromatological analysis, protein isolate, Sensorial


The use of vegetable proteins has been in growing demand in recent years, including sesame protein isolate, because it contains an adequate amount of essential amino acids such as methionine, cysteine, valine, leucine and tryptophan, which are limiting amino acids in some proteins. Therefore, taking into account the loss of protein during the draining process in the production of cheese and the high production of sesame on the Colombian Caribbean coast, the incorporation of sesame protein isolate (PAA) was evaluated in order to offer this new application and the possibility of increasing the protein content of coastal cheese. For this purpose, the protein was extracted through operations such as pressing, mixing, centrifugation, precipitation, freeze-drying and then added to the curd following a single-factorial design with four levels (0, 2, 4 and 8%); additionally, bromatological, microbiological and sensory analyses were performed. The treatments exhibited a protein content of 16-22.4%, a low lipid content and an increase in moisture with the incorporation of PAA. Microbiologically the treatments were fit for consumption and in relation to sensory attributes they exhibited an acceptable score, with the exception of flavor and color of the treatment with 8% PAA. The incorporation of sesame protein isolates significantly affected the bromatology of the treatments; however, there was an inversely proportional relationship between PAA content and sensory quality. Consequently, and according to the results shown, the treatment with 2% PAA was the most adequate.


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2024-08-24 — Updated on 2024-08-24


How to Cite

Alcázar Orozco, H., Martínez Camacho, S., Montero Castillo, P., Acevedo Correa, D., & Rodríguez Meza, J. (2024). Effect of the incorporation of isolated protein from sesame (Sesamum Indicum L.) on the bromatological and sensory properties of costeño cheese. @limentech, Ciencia Y Tecnología Alimentaria, 22(2), 18–36.


