Digital preservation policy

Digital Preservation Policy and Use of Uniform Identifier

The journal of the Faculty of Economic and Business Sciences, FACE, in the proper use of OJS (Open Journal System), ensures digital preservation; likewise, it assigns a DOI (Digital Object Identifier), ensuring a persistent identifier, managed by Crossref. Regarding the PKP Preservation Network, it provides digital preservation services, which for the FACE Journal are archived in LOCKSS (Lots of Copies Keep Stuff Safe), a system developed by the Stanford University Library, thus ensuring the journal a permanent and secure archive. Each file is continuously validated with records from other libraries, so any damaged or lost content can be restored using those records or the journal itself. The archived documents can be consulted in the LOCKSS Editorial Manifesto:

Currently, the FACE journal is supported on an Open Journal Systems platform. Within the self-archiving and archiving policies, the FACE Journal is registered in Sherpa Romeo. This journal uses different national and international repositories where the publication is hosted: Dialnet; Ebsco: Academic Source Plus, Business Source Premier, Business Source Elite; Redib; LATINDEX. Catalog v1.0 (2002 - 2017). The Face journal has undergone 8 evaluation processes for the Publindex Colombia index, classified in category C, a category that is still valid to this day. The Face Journal uses uniform resource identifiers DOI (Digital Object Identifier) in its published articles, which are registered in the OJS.

Interoperability Protocol

The FACE journal incorporates interoperability protocols that allow its contents to be collected by other distribution systems, such as digital repositories and harvesters. OAI-PMH (Open Archive Initiative-Protocol for Metadata Harvesting) Path for harvesters: