Commitments of Reviewers

Objective and Confidential Review: The thorough review of the article, addressing each of the sections established by the FACE Journal, requires critical analysis from the reviewers, supported by theoretical frameworks and/or research findings, while avoiding personal conjecture. The journal employs double-blind peer review, where reviewers must substantiate their observations from academic positions, consistently demonstrating respect for the authors and adhering to other provisions elaborated further. Additionally, reviewers must adhere to the deadlines set by the FACE Journal for submitting the assigned evaluation and provide the required editorial formats. It is also necessary to inform the Editor of any developments regarding the manuscript, whether related to potential similarity or ethical concerns.

Contribution to Editorial Decision: Reviewers/Peers undertake the responsibility of providing a review that reflects thoughtful consideration, integrity, and fairness without biasing the position of the author(s), addressing both the scientific validity and literary nature of the document submitted for evaluation.

Adherence to Deadlines: Reviewers agree with the FACE Journal to evaluate submitted documents within the shortest possible time frame within the confidentiality period, respecting the author(s)' willingness to submit their work with a response within a reasonably adjusted timeframe as mentioned in the process.

Personal judgments on the submitted writings are not permitted from the referees; they are also obligated to justify their assessments when necessary. Moreover, they are required to notify the FACE Journal if the scientific article exhibits any similarities with other works or has already been published or is under review for another scientific journal.

See Arbitration Evaluation Format.