Study of the purchasing behavior of members and customers of a cooperative's supermarket service, applying association rules.




Gestión, Organización, Comportamiento de compra, Minería de datos, Reglas de Asociación


The growing generation of large volumes of data, as a result of the company's activity, has forced the use of computer resources that allow its processing and availability, creating a culture of trust and proper use of information. What is not so frequent to find is companies that make use of the knowledge that can be generated from these data from the use of data mining tools. The association rules are based on data mining methods and techniques that allow estimating or predicting behaviors on data collected as a result of the company's operational tasks, with which it is expected to know, from the application of formal models, the purchasing behavior of customers of a medium-size supermarket and propose, from this knowledge, strategies and actions to follow to strengthen the favorable findings found, on the one hand, and on the other, to improve the possible shortcomings identified.


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2021-01-30 — Updated on 2016-03-20


How to Cite

Fernández Romero, O. L., Portilla Granados, L. A., & Maldonado Bautista, J. O. (2016). Study of the purchasing behavior of members and customers of a cooperative’s supermarket service, applying association rules. FACE: Revista De La Facultad De Ciencias Económicas Y Empresariales, 17(1), 6–18. (Original work published January 30, 2021)


