Sectoral and labor characterization of the cooperatives in the municipality of Pamplona




association, employment, solidarity economy, solidarity sector


The solidarity sector in the economy has been characterized by the strengthening of individual capacities based on the organization of different actors with similar interests. However, at the local level, there is not always data on the dynamics of this sector. In particular, the municipality of Pamplona does not have an updated analysis of the cooperative sector to justify the importance of the solidarity sector and its relationship with employment generation policies and the reduction of informality. Therefore, this document studies the way in which local geographic, cultural, social and economic determinants influence the behavior of the solidarity economy in Pamplona, identifies the composition of the solidarity sector and establishes the characteristics of the cooperative sector and its impact on municipal development in terms of income generation and increased consumption of goods and services. The results obtained allow laying the foundations for the definition of strategies aimed at strengthening the role of cooperatives in the generation of employment, collective sustainability and regional economic growth.


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2021-01-22 — Updated on 2017-03-17


How to Cite

Hernández Pérez, N., Jaimes Gauta, G. A., & Mosquera Téllez, J. (2017). Sectoral and labor characterization of the cooperatives in the municipality of Pamplona. FACE: Revista De La Facultad De Ciencias Económicas Y Empresariales, 17(2), 91–99. (Original work published January 22, 2021)


