Marketing in religious festivals: The case of Niñopa in Xochimilco, Mexico




mercadotecnia religiosa, festividades religiosas


In order to understand the marketing significance of religious festivities in the economic contribution to a locality's residents, as well as their social and cultural impact, a qualitative, ethnographic, and descriptive study was conducted on the celebration of the Niñopa festival in Xochimilco, a municipality of Mexico City, Mexico. This celebration is the most important in the locality and a significant part of Mexican culture and tradition. The study revealed that marketing is empirically present in every action carried out during this important religious festival, making it a tourist attraction that generates a significant source of economic resources for the area.


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2021-01-20 — Updated on 2019-05-17


How to Cite

Fischer de la Vega , L. E. (2019). Marketing in religious festivals: The case of Niñopa in Xochimilco, Mexico. FACE: Revista De La Facultad De Ciencias Económicas Y Empresariales, 19(1), 7–15. (Original work published January 20, 2021)


