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Identity, culture and heritage as tourism tools in their digital marketing strategies



Palabras clave:

Patrimonio, identidad, cultura, Turismo, Marketing Digital


Being the tourist activity transversal to the different socio-economic sectors of the communities that frame the integration of elements such as cultural identity, natural and architectural heritage considered as a fundamental part of the tourist inventory of any society, it is imperative to investigate the relationship that exists between them to formulate effective digital marketing strategies that promote not only the sale of services and/or tourist packages, but also allow the management carried out in the tourist activity to focus on highlighting and transferring the cultural idiosyncrasy and the preservation of heritage as a promoter axis of civilization and the evolution towards sustainable and sustainable tourism.It is in the execution of the tourist activity where the deep relationship that exists between these elements is evidenced and manifested, precisely at the moment of truth after the encounter between the inhabitants of a region and/or community and the tourists and visitors who arrive with realities multidiverse cultures. This interaction and knowledge of new cultures can directly impact and influence the dynamics of the cultures of the receiving communities as well as the visitors within the context of the tourist activity. The symbiotic relationship between these elements and tourism is a source of knowledge and information for the design of digital marketing strategies that can be optimally used as tools for management and assertive communication that promote tourism with corporate social responsibility.


Los datos de descargas todavía no están disponibles.


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2023-08-11 — Actualizado el 2023-03-25


Cómo citar

Botina Mora, J. M., Gallego López, J. C., Estupiñan Revelo, O., & Bastidas Mera, E. J. (2023). Identity, culture and heritage as tourism tools in their digital marketing strategies. FACE: Revista De La Facultad De Ciencias Económicas Y Empresariales, 23(1), 131–144. (Original work published 11 de agosto de 2023)


