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Use of the air-lift phytoreactor, from chlorella vulgaris microalgae, for removal of organic matter in urban waste waters




Wastewater, microalgae, Chlorella vulgaris, air-lift photobioreactor


The environmental impact generated in natural water ecosystems by the discharge of wastewater produces eutrophication; which is the excessive growth of algae, due to the presence of high concentrations of salts. Therefore, in this investigation it was proposed to evaluate two strains of the Chlorella vulgaris microalgae (native and UTEX1803) and two concentrations of each (20 and 30%), for the removal of nutrients using urban wastewater from the municipality of Pamplona, North Santander. Initially, the physicochemical evaluation of urban wastewater was carried out. A concentric tube air-lift photobioreactor was designed, using the operating air flow a volumetric O2 kLa mass transfer coefficient of 67.68h -1, mixing time of 5.303 ± 0.0153 s and retention of gas in the reactor of 0.0219. In the start-up of the bioreactor for the removal of nutrients, the inoculums of the strains were determined in order to adapt them to the new substrate, by increasing cell growth. The 30% inoculum removal was 95% NO3 and 83.3% PO4 for the native strain and for the UTEX 1803 strain 92.5 and 91.2% for NO3 and PO4 respectively.


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2024-02-23 — Updated on 2023-12-15


How to Cite

Patiño Condia , A. L., Ramón Valencia , J. A., & Ramón Jarol, D. (2023). Use of the air-lift phytoreactor, from chlorella vulgaris microalgae, for removal of organic matter in urban waste waters. @limentech, Ciencia Y Tecnología Alimentaria, 21(2), 138–152. (Original work published February 23, 2024)


